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Our Guarantee: Lakes Body Shop will guarantee the workmanship that is performed on your vehicle for as long as you own the vehicle. If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with the workmanship that Lakes Body Shop has performed, we will assure the repairs are properly corrected. Out goal is to repair your vehicle so that it is returned to you in pre-accident condition. This guarantee excludes any wear, tear, deterioration or mechanical breakdown. All replacements parts new and used are subject to the parts suppliers’ or the manufactures warranty. This Guarantee does not apply to any corrections or repairs performed by others, and any such repair by others shall render this guarantee void. This guarantee is valid only for the owner of record at the time of the vehicle was repaired and is not transferable.
Sublet labor subject to the guarantee of each supplier. This warranty shall only apply if the defects occurred under normal driving conditions and not where any vehicle as been subjects to accidents, negligence, abuse or misuse.
Our customers are important to us, Since establishing our business, we have always been based on QUALITY, HONESTY and CUSTOMER SERVICE.